world top tech gaint's view on Adult Diaper

Hi, I am venkat from Jaycot Industries. I would like to share some interesting information about adult diapers. In fact, in the month of June 2022. Elon Musk said we should not allow humanity to stop in adult diapers and that the planet will be okay when we double our population.
Elon Musk has argued for greater birth rates, stating that if we don't, we'll every one of us "end up in adult diapers."
He said without proving that the environment could support this "even if we doubled the size" of the world population.
Elon Musk said it's "total nonsense" that people weren't having children because it's bad for the environment. He also suggested another argument to encourage families to have more children to avoid the collapse of civilization.

"Some people think that having fewer kids is better for the environment. It's total nonsense. The environment is going to be fine, the environment is going to be fine even if we doubled the size of the humans," the Tesla CEO said at the participants of the closed-door All-In Summit via video conference on Monday.

"At least maintain our numbers," he suggested. "We don't necessarily need to grow dramatically, but least let's not gradually dwindle away until civilization ends with all of us in adult diapers, in a whimper."

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